Monday, May 6, 2013

Correct Use of English Adverbs

Correct Use of English Adverbs
1.         Adverbs should be so placed in a sentence as to make it quite clear which word or words they are intended to modify. Hence Adverbs should come, if possible, next to the word or words they modify.
                        He had got almost to the top when the fire broke out.

2.         As a general rule, only should be placed immediately before the word it is intended to modify:
                        I worked only two sums.
                        Only Shoaib succeeded in scoring a century.
                        I praise him only when he deserves it.
3.         Two negative destroy each other. Hence two negatives should not be used in the same sentence unless we wish to make an affirmation. We should say:
                        I haven’t got any (not none).
                        I could not find it anywhere (not nowhere)
                        I have not got any (not  no) paper for my exercise.
                        I can’t see any (not no) wit in her.
4.         Adjectives should not be used for Adverbs. We should say, for instance:
                        He returned more quickly (not quicker) than I expected.
                        He will pay dearly (not dear) for his mistake.
5.         Ever is sometimes misused for never:
                        We seldom or never (not dear) for his mistake.
Note:    Seldom or never and seldom if ever are both correct but seldom or ever is incorrect.
6.         Else should be followed by but.
                        It is nothing else but (not them) pride.
7.         The use of never for not is incorrect.
                        We met the other day, but he never referred to the matter. [Say: he did not ever refer.]
8.         Except colloquially, so as an adverb of degree must not be used absolutely (i.e., without a correlative.) We should say:
                        He is very (not so) weak.
                        Cricket is very (not so) uncertain.
9.         That should not be used instead of so as an adverb. We should say:
                        He was so (not that) tired that he could scarcely stand.
                        He was so (not that) angry that he slammed the book on the      table.
10.        The adverb too means “more than enough” and should not be used instead of very ormuch. In the following sentences too is used correctly.

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