Monday, May 6, 2013

English Adjective Clause

English Adjective Clause
            An Adjective Clause does the work of an adjective. It is usually put just before or nearest to the noun or pronoun it qualifies.
1.       Here comes the boy who is the best athlete of our school.
2.       Bring me the book that is lying on the table.
3.       I have lost the pen which I bought yesterday.
4.       God helps those who help themselves.
5.       All that glitters is not gold.
6.       This is the place where I was born.

An Adjective Clause may be introduced by:
(a) A Relative Pronoun:
            The world had no warriors who could overcome his brothers.
            I know the man in whose house you live.
            Those whom gods love die young.
            This is the garden in which we used to play.
Note:    The Relative Pronoun of the Objective case is mostly omitted:
            Here is the boy (whom) you want to meet.
            Where is the book (which) I want?
(b) A Relative Adverb:
            I have been to the place where the accident took place.
            Tell me the reason why you were weeping.
            Youth is the time when the seeds of character are sown.           
            Sometimes the Relative Pronouns or Relative Adverbs which introduce the Adjective clause are not mentioned:
    Few and short were the prayers we said. (that)
    During these years he met the first girl he loved. (whom)
    Where is the pen I gave you? (which)
                        The reason he has come is to find a job. (why)
(c) Where ‘as’ and ‘but’ are used as Relative Pronouns, they introduce an Adjective Clause:
Such boys as are guilty will be punished.
I live in the same house as you do.
There was none but (who not) wept.
(i)                 Only a Relative Pronoun or Relative Adverb introduces the Adjective clause. Relative Pronouns are: Who, Whose, Whom, Which, That etc. Relative Adverbs are: Why, Where, When, How etc.
(ii)               These connectives refer to a Noun or a Pronoun lying immediately before them.
Note:    No noun should be used before Question – Words while we introduce a Noun Clause: as
            She forgot where she had met me.                    (Noun clause)
            I know why you have come here.                      (Noun clause)
            If a known is used before a clause beginning with a Question-Word, it will become an Adjective Clause. The Clause will modify that noun; as
            June is the month when it is hottest in Lahore.
            Do you know the reason why he resigned?
            The house where I was born is now in ruins.

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