Monday, May 6, 2013

English Tense: Future Indefinite

English Tense: Future Indefinite
(Shall/will + Verb)
            The Future Indefinite Tense is used to express the action or event which is likely to happen in Future. In this tense we use shall/will between the subject and the first form of the verb. Normally we use ‘shall’ with pronouns of first person (I, We). In the same way, we use ‘will’ with the pronouns of second person (you) and third person (he, she, it they).

(i)     In Negative sentences ‘not is added after ‘shall’/’will’ as the case may be:
                        We shall not see the picture today.
            They will not come here soon.
(ii) In Interrogative sentences ‘will’/’shall’ is placed before the subject and first form of the verb after it:
              Will you go to college today ? Shall we play now ?
Uses of the Simple Future/Future Indefinite Tense
A There are several ways of expressing Future Time in English. We can express future actions/events in the following ways.
In these sentences the Present Indefinite Tense expresses the work planned for the near future.
(a) by using Present Indefinite Tense
Our party leaves for Agra tomorrow morning.
We stay there for two days.
We enjoy the beauty of the Taj on the full moonlit night and return the next day.
In the sentences given above, planned activities for the near future have been expressed by Present Indefinite Tense.
(b) by using Present Continuous Tense:
             I am leaning for Peshawar next week.
             Are you coming on Monday?
             She is not inviting you to her marriage.
(c) by using ‘going to’
I am going to buy a new pen.
If you don’t admit your mistake.           
I am not going to pardon you.
On using ‘Going to’ the structure of the sentence will be Form.
            (Subject + is/am/are + going to + Verb)
                        He is going to build a house next year.
            (d) by using ‘be + to + Verb’:  
                        I am to reach school at 7 A.M.
                        The Prime Minister ifs to broadcast his speech today.
(e) by denoting the Principal Clause of a conditional sentence:
If she works hard, she will get a scholarship.
If we hire a taxi, we shall catch the train.
If you run fast, you will win the race.

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