Monday, May 6, 2013

Structural Classification of English Sentences

Structural Classification of English Sentences
Sentences can be divided into four classes from structural point of view as,
            1.         Simple Sentence
            2.         Compound Sentence
            3.         Complex Sentence
            4.         Compound-Complex (or Double Sentences)

1. Simple Sentence. A simple Sentence has only one Subject and one Predicate. It has only one Finite Verb; as,
(i)         She went to market.
(ii)        I shall attend the function.
(iii)       The students have done their homework.
(iv)       The sun sets in the west.
(v)        Man is a social animal. (vi) Brevity is the soul of wit.
2. Compound Sentence. A compound sentence consists of two or more Co-ordinate clauses; as,
(i)         I was tired and I rested.
(ii)        I went to market and purchased a television.
(i)           You tried hard but could not succeed.
(ii)         We went to Lahore and visited Badshahi Mosque.
Note. All the clauses of a compound sentence are of the equal rank.
Sometimes the subject is omitted in the second coordinate clause as in sentences (ii) (iii) and (iv) above.
3. Complex sentence. A complex sentence consists of one Main clause and one or more Subordinate clause; as,
(i) I don’t know where he lives.
(ii) She went abroad after she had completed her graduation.
(iii) If you work hard you will pass.
(iv) He rested when he was tired.
Subordinate Clauses
Note. A complex sentence may have any or all the subordinate clauses, besides having one Principal or Main clause.

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