Thursday, May 16, 2013

The prince As the Bible of the polities:-

The prince  As the Bible of the polities:-
Q:1 consider ‘The Prince as ingenious and fascination study of the art of practical politics. “The Prince is the book that has become the Bible of real-polities and still retains its power to alarm and to instruct.

          Niccolo Machiavelli was an Italian statesman and a political philosopher.  Niccolo Machiavelli has written a number of the book of real-politic histories, literary essays, comedies, treatises on military, science and essays on different subjects. He was a Florentine statesman and political theorist. His main works include. “The Prince”, “The Discourses upon Livy”, “The Art of War” and “The Florentine History”. The Prince is a treatise on statecraft by an acute observer or the contemporary political scene with an idealistic vision of an Italian saviour. The prince as the bible for princes.
“to know well the nature   Of the people one must   Be  a prince, and to know Well the nature of princes   One must be of the people .

v A treatise on political power”-
          Its name in Italian is ‘II Pricipe” in English the Prince. It is a treatise on political power, dealing with how states or principalities are established in the modern world. It is a carefully composed essay on statecraft. It is philosophy of  politics and in ingenious and fascinating study of the art of practical politics. The book is composed by  man who never rose higher than the position of Secretary to the Second Chancery in Florence, Italy. The success of the book is due to his wit and partly to his having known some  of the most clever and powerful rogues of his time. His model for the ‘Prince” was Cesare Borgia’. Cesare Borgia used to means of conquest, including murder to achieve his goals and held political position.

v a practical guide to political power
          The Prince’ is a practical guide to political power and a combination of experience, logic and imagination. He wrote one of the most intriguing handbooks of the Western civilization. It was very useful book for the princes of his time. Machiavelli begins his book with his discussion of the manners and attitude of a prince. He wants to make very clear that he intended to explain how successful politician actually work rather then how they ought to work. In the beginning of the book, he gives logical, advice and positive approach to the prospective princes. He believes that most of the states are either republic or monarchies. Monarchies are either hereditary or new. New Monarchies are either entirely new or acquired. But acquired states have been dominated by princes. These states are acquired either by a prince’s own power or by those of their. Machiavelli first of all discusses the rumbles connected with governing a hereditary monarch and the discussed mix monarchies.

v Dedication of ‘The Prince’
          Niccolo Machiavelli’s dedication of the Prince has the heading “Niccolo to the Magnificent Lorenzo de Medici” It is a letter to Lorenzo De Medici, the nephew of Giovanni de Medici. He made Machiavelli duke of Urbino in 1516. Machiavelli offers his book with traditional modesty. He comments that it is stystically a  simple and unworthy of his audience. Machiavelli describes his book as  a summary of “his understanding of the deeds of great men”
          It is intended to help Lorenzo de Medici achieve eminence as prince. Machiavelli begins by offering a short defense of why, he should know more than  rules about the art of ruling. He uses a metaphor to justify himself; a personal standing on a mountain is best positioned to survey the landscape below, and a person  standing below is best positioned to survey the mountain. Similarly write Machiavelli “to comprehend full the nature of people, one must be prince, and to comprehend full the nature of prince one must be an ordinary citizen.

v an extended analysis
          The Prince is an extended analysis of how to acquire and maintain political power. It includes 26 chapters and an opening dedication to Lorenzo de Medici. The dedication declares Machiavelli's intention to discuss in plain language the conduct of great men and the principles of princely government. He does so in hope of pleasing and enlightening the Medici family. 

v Division  into four sections:-
The book's 26 chapters can be divided into four sections:
1.     The first section includes Chapters 1-11that  discuss the different types of principalities or states,
2.     The second section includes Chapters 12-14 that  discuss the different types of armies and the proper conduct of a prince as military leader,
3.     The third section includes Chapters 15-23 that discuss the nature, personality, conducts, and manners of  the prince.
4.     The fourth section includes Chapters 24-26 that discuss Italy's desperate political situation.
          The final chapter is a kind of an appeal for the Medici family to offer the prince who will show the way to Italy and brings back the golden age of Italy. Thus Prince is a recodrd of political power and play. Machiavelli discusses the Italian political play and armed forces in The Prince.

v The types of principalities
          Machiavelli lists four types of principalities:
1.     Hereditary principalities, which are inherited by the ruler
2.     Mixed principalities, territories that are annexed to the ruler's existing territories
3.     New principalities, which may be acquired by several methods: by one's own power, by the power of others, by criminal acts or extreme cruelty, or by the will of the people (civic principalities)
4.     Ecclesiastical principalities, namely the Papal States belonging to the Catholic church.

v The types of armies:-
          According to Machiavelli A prince must always pay close attention to military affairs if he wants to remain in power. Machiavelli lists four types of armies:
1.     At first Machiavelli mentions Mercenaries or hired soldiers, which are dangerous and unreliable .
2.     Secondly he mentions Auxiliaries, troops that are loaned to you by other rulers—also dangerous and unreliable
3.     The third type is Native troops, composed of one's own citizens or subjects—by far the most desirable kind
4.     The fourth type is Mixed troops, a combination of native troops and mercenaries or auxiliaries—still less desirable than a completely native army

v Qualities and manners for  the prince
          Since the focus in ‘The Prince’ is more political power, play of armies, conduct deeds of the prince, Machiavelli though it better to advocate the following quality and manner of for princes.
1.     It is better to be stingy than generous.
2.     It is better to be cruel than merciful.
3.     It is better to break promises if keeping them would be against one's interests.
4.     Princes must avoid making themselves hated and despised; the goodwill of the people is a better defense than any fortress.
5.     Princes should undertake great projects to enhance their reputation.
6.     Princes should choose wise advisors and avoid flatterers.

v Italy's political situation
     The prince is a vital record of Italy’s political situation of the Renaissance period. The Prince is set against the background of the Italian Renaissance. In ‘the Prince’ Machiavelli summarizes and advocates the following political siation of Italy. Machiavelli outlines and recommends the following:
1.     The rulers of Italy have lost their states by ignoring the political and military principles Machiavelli enumerates.
2.     Fortune controls half of human affairs, but free will controls the rest, leaving the prince free to act. However, few princes can adapt their actions to the times.
3.     The final chapter is an exhortation to the Medici family to follow Machiavelli's principles and thereby free Italy from foreign domination.
          Thus, The Prince is an ingenious fascinating study of art of practical politics. It is holy Bible, or Koran, the Gita of real politics. It guides and instructs the politicians. And at last I would like to  sum up my paper with the words of Francesco auiceiardini-friend and a critic to Machiavelli, who says for him.
He laughs at the failings  Of man because he cannot  Cure them.”

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