Monday, February 17, 2014

Form and Function of Verb

Form and Function of Verb
          Words are divided into different kinds or classes, according to their use; according to their work they do in a sentence. They are called Parts of Speech. They are eight in a number.  Verb is one of the parts of speech. Its definition is under. 
 “A word that is used to indicate
an action, condition, or existence
 is called a verb.”
          A verb may be said to be ‘doing word’. It is used to make a statement about a person, place, thing etc. It is an integral part of the sentences. It is the heard of a sentence. Without verb, the sentence doesn’t make a sense. e.g. to play, to wait, to have, to write, to be, etc.
Vinayak plays a cricket.
She waited for her boy friend.
          Verbs falls under two main sections which has been mentioned in following figure.

 Let’s discuss forms and functions of Verb.

Forms of Verbs
          Words that end in suffixes like ‘-en’, ‘-se’, ‘-er’, ‘-ate’, ‘-ly’ and in prefixes like ‘-en’, ‘-a’, etc. are generally verb forms. e.g. to sweeten, to harden, modify, simplify. 
          Each English verb has five forms. Such verbs are also called finite verbs or lexical verb. These five forms are following.
The base form is the basic, uninflected form which is given as the entry form in dictionary. e.g. call, like, try, buy, drink, set etc.
The ‘-s’ form is called 3rd person singular present is formed by adding –s or –es to the base. e.g. write-writes, read-reads like-likes
The Infinitive ‘to’ form is the base form of a verb often followed by ‘to’.
e.g. write- to write, read-to read like-to like
The –ing form is or the present participle is formed by adding ‘-ing’ to the base.
e.g. write-writing read-reading like-liking
–ed form is called past tense form or past participle which is formed by adding –ed the base. e.g. abolish-abolished-abolished bark-barked-barked. Like-liked

Functions of Verbs
          As we have noted earlier the verb is an integral part of sentence. Besides its man function, it also performs many other functions. 1. Gerund, 2. Infinitive to,  3. Present participle,  4. Past participle. Let’s discuss about each function in detail.

1. Gerund: - 
“A gerund is that form of the
verb which ends in ‘–ing’ and
has the force of a noun and verb.
          A gerund is a verb that does the work of a noun. So it is also known as verbal noun, Normal it used a subject and placed in subject position. e.g.
Walking is a good exercise for health.
Seeing is believing.
Reading is the good hobby.
          In above sentences, ‘playing’, ‘walking’, ‘seeing’, ‘reading’ are not used as verbs but they are used as nouns. In certain case, they are placed in the object position.
He dislikes sleeping long. I prefer reading poetry.
 In some case, a gerund is used as complement of a verb.
1. My aim in life is becoming a writer.

2. Infinitive ‘to’
 ‘Infinitive to’ is another function performed by verbs. It is the base form of a verb often followed by ‘to’. e.g.
1. He likes to learn English. 2. To err is human.
 In above sentence ‘to learn’ and ‘to err’ are examples of ‘infinitive to’. ‘Infinitive to’ is often used in a sentence normally placed in subject position. It also can be used after the main verb.
1. His greatest pleasure is to sing. 2. We propose to visit Agra. 
 ‘Infinitive to’ is applied to qualify an adjective and a noun. 
Figs are good to eat. 2. It is not the time to sleep.
 Sometime it is used to express purpose:- e.g. We eat to live. They fight to get prize.
  In some sentences infinitives are used without to that are called ‘Bare infinitives’. e.g. I helped her learn English.

3. Present Participle As an Adjective:-
          A present participle is formed with ‘ing’ form of the verb. It shows continues present tense that is its main function. e.g. I am writing the novel.
          In above sentence, present participle ‘Writing’ indicate an action an action going on and incomplete. The present participle of the verb functions as an adjective. It has the same form verb+ing yet it differs from gerund. The following sentences will make clear the use of present participle as an adjective. e.g.
1. I like smiling faces. 2. I read fascinating story.  3. He wants charming personality. 

4. Past Participle As an Adjective:-
          The past participle is the important function of verb. It is use to form passive voice and present and past present tense.
1. I am loved by her.2. I have already finished my home work.
          The past participle is used as an adjective of a noun. When the past participle is used as an adjective, it is known as ‘verbal adjective’. It is important to note that the function of a verbal adjective is the same as an adjective is to modify a noun.
1. She likes rotten eggs. 2. That is broken glass.  3. He dislikes baked foods.

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