Monday, February 17, 2014

What is linguistics? Is linguistic a science ?

Q. What is linguistics? Is linguistic a science ?
          Linguistics is a growing and interesting area of study, having a direct hearing on fields as diverse as education, anthropology, sociology, language teaching, cognitive psychology and philosophy. What is linguistics? Fundamentally, it is concerned with the nature of language and communication. Linguistics is the scientific study of language. By this we mean language in general, not a particular language.

What is Linguistics:-
          The word ‘linguistics’ comes from the Latin words, means “tongue” and “istics” means ‘knowledge’ or ‘science’. Thus the science of language or a scientific study of language is the etymological evolution of the word linguistics. So linguistic is a scientific study of human language in general.
          It is not the study of a particular language but of human language in general. It studies the language as universal and recognizable part of human behavior. It attempts to describe the analyse language. Its aim is to establish the place of language in human behavior. It examines the way in which it fulfils human needs and also its functions. In this way, it studies the origin, organization, nature and development of language. It also formulates general rules related to the language.
          E.g. it shows how French and Italian languages have developed under the influence of language.

Definition of Linguistic
Linguistics is scientific in nature and it approaches language scientifically. So Victoria and Fromkin rightly say:
“The scientific study of human language is called linguistics”.
The scientific nature of language is asserted by Jean Aitchison:    
“Linguistics tries to answer two basic questions: What is language and How does it work.”
 Language is also linked to human mental processes. Thus, it cannot be treated always as objective phenomena. We deal with language scientifically as S. Pit Corder says:
 “Linguistics is concerned with the nature of human language”

As a science:-
          Linguistic is the science that describes and classifies languages. A linguists identifies and described the units and patterns of the sound, system, words, morpheme pareses, and sentence. He makes a scientific study of the structure of al language and accurately. It studies the origin, organization, nature and development of the language. It studies the human language descriptively, historically, comparative and explicitly. The approaches of the linguistics is scientific. In its operation and statement, it is guided by the following three canons-principles of science namely 1 Exhaustiveness (complete) w. Consistency 3. Economy. Now let us see each of time in detail.
The adequate treatment of all the relevant material is present in linguistics. It studies language form all aspects. Linguistics treats all the relevant material adequately with care.
It means the absence of contradiction between different parts of the total statement and within the limits imposed by the two preceding principles. It avoids contradiction and proceeds to may other new principles.
It means where other things being equally, a shorter statement or analysis employing fewer terms is to be preferred to one that is longer or more involved.
Well-defined subject matter.
          Linguistics is a scientific study of language. Like all other sciences it has a well-defined subject-matter. It has its own methods to observe, analyze and record the development of language. It gives unprejudiced and objective details of its growth. Its approach is scientific and methodical. Like any other science, it is based on observation, hypothesis, testing, verification, and prediction. Some of the methods of a linguist include simple listening, phonetic transcription and the use of various instruments such as oscillograph, soundspectrograph, kymographs, chronographs, monographs, laryngoscope, endoscope, sonagraph, atuohphoscope, electric vocal tract. He also uses the records an cassettes. He has is own laboratory.

          A linguistic develops hypotheses  makes general statements and test them against the facts of language. He makes a statement on the basis of his observation. First he observes and contrasts a language with other language and comes to a generalization. At the end, he formulates a theory as to how a language works. He also makes prediction on the basing of his observation. He makes prediction about grammar and dictionary. Like a true scientist, he makes discoveries refines, his methods of investigation and gives better theories.

Characteristics of Linguistics:-
There are certain characteristics of linguistics as a science. They are as follow.
Dynamic Like all other sciences, linguistics too is not static. View point and theoretic models in the field change even in fundamental way from time to time and different aspect come to receive primary focuses at different time
 Closeness with other sciences
          Its closeness with other natural and social sciences like mathematics, physics, physiology, anthropology, sociology. This also shows its scientific nature. It touches on physics through acoustic; on physiology through the structure of human vocal organs and zoology through the comparative study the communicative system of living begin. Thus Danish Linguist Louis Hjelmeslev has eloquently expressed the unique central situation of linguistics. “Linguistic theory is led by an inner necessity to recognize not merely the linguistic system, but also men and human society behind language and all man’s sphere of knowledge through language. At that point, linguistic theory has reached its prescribed goal.”

Technical and sophisticated:-
          Consequently linguistic is getting more and more technical and sophisticated everyday. It is not a pure science, its position say, R. A. Hall is between the natural and social science like that geology.

An Empirical sciences.
          To R.H. Robins linguistics is an empirical experimental science; within the empirical sciences, it is one of the social science because its subject matter is human and is very different form that of natural sciences.
Empirical science; subject mater is observable with sense.
Social science; subject is part of the behavior of mean and woman interaction with their fellow. 
          To sum up linguistics is the scientific study of language. It may be systematic. It is concerned with reportable fact, method and principles. It woks by means of observation, hypothesis, experiment, tests and inference,. It makes generalization and prediction. It formulates theories; its products are descriptive, verbal or algebraic statements about language

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