Thursday, February 13, 2014

Write a detailed note on Non-verbal Communication

          There are two kinds of communication. (1) Verbal Communication and (2) Non-verbal communication. Communication through words is called verbal communication. Communication through other symbols is called non-verbal.
          We can use other symbols like pictures, colours, signs and sounds to communicate. We do communication a number of things by our fasical expressions, moments, clothing, and so on. These all are called non-verbal communication. According to K.K. Sereno and E.M. Bodakan,
“Non-verbal communication
refers to all external stimuli
other than spoken or written
words and including body
motion, characteristics of
appearance, characteristic of
voice and use of space and
          All these non-verbal clues taken together are also known as body language. Body language plays a very significance role in oral communication. It may be visual or auditory methods.
          Visual methods are those which are seen and auditory methods are those which are heard. Sight, pictures, colours and visual; sound, bells, and whistles are auditory.  Now we discuss about them in a depth.

Visual Symbols:-
          Colour is a very important and powerful means of communication. Colour is so much part our daily life, we use it in clothing, design and decoration. Colours are associated with different moods and feelings like black with death and sorrow, white with peace and purity and reds with danger so on.
          Colour gives an added dimension to maps, charts and graphs and makes it possible to convey a great amount of information.

Pictorial Representation:-
          A large variety of pictures from simple drawing to sophisticated, coloured pictures, and photographs, are used on postures and advertisements. Pictorial communication can communicate instantly.
          Graphs and Chart: Graphs and charts are pictorial and representation of statistical information and can be made in different ways. Charts and graphs must be properly titled and labeled to show what information is being represented. Special skills and techniques are needed to prepare them. As they are hard to understand.

Signs and Signals:-
          Signs and signal communicates instantly therefore, they are most useful in communicating simple but important ideas. e.g. traffic signs must instantly convey information to the drivers.
          A sign is a mark used as a representation of something. e.g. + for ‘plus’,    for multiply’.
          A sign is most visual and has a fixed meaning. e.g. the coming of a green light or the waving of a green flag is a signal to go ahead. The firing of a gun salute signals the arrival of a VIP. A signal may be visual or auditory.

Auditory Symbols:-
          The use of auditory symbols is very limited only very simple information can be conveyed by sounds.
          Sound signals are used mainly for warning. e.g. in war time, sirens are used to warn about enemy, sirens are used in factories to warn of fire or accident.
          Whistles are used by the police and the army to calls members to assemble. Train and ships use whistle as signal for departure and for warning.
          ‘Tunes’ are often used as identification mark; programmers on the radio and T. V. are introduced with a signature tune. Bells and buzzers are used to indicate the staring and ending of work periods.
Body Language:-
          Body language plays an important role in oral communication. In face to face situation and important message is communicated by a number of factors like Facial expressions, Eye-contacts, Gestures, postures, Appearance, clothing, Energy and there body movements. The study of body motion is related to speech is called kinetics. It is believed that a charming person has a pleasant voice, a dynamic person has a vibrant voice and confident person an assured voice. As Sigmund Freud’s examined,
“He that has eyes to see and
ears to hear may convince
himself that no mortal can
keep a secret. If his lips are
silent, he chats with fingertips,
betrayal oozes out of him at
every pore.”
          The first impact on the audience and listener is created by the personal appearance of the speaker. Appearance makes much matter whenever or wherever you are dealing. A person’s general appearance depends on several things, good personal hygiene and neatness, care of skin, nails and hair are expected standard and their neglect conveys an unpleasant impression. There are certain convention established in regard to the use of dress and general physical appearance in respect of certain communication situations such as interview, convocation, state banquet, etc.

          Facial expression is an obvious communicative factor. A cheerful face or a gloomy face influences most people who see it. A happy or apprehensions of the face can convey with or without words, the attitudes and reaction the communicants. Biting the lips, raising the eyebrows at regular interval or blinking eyes too often certainly spoil the smooth flow of communication.

          Eye contact with the listener is perhaps the most important aspect of the body language. It has been rightly said that the eye is an extension of the brain and a window of the soul. Stress is laid on continuous eye contact between the speaker and the listener because it tells whether the speaker is sincere and also whether the listener is interested. Eye contact is enabling the communication to alter, adjust and reframe his message while transmitting it. Studies have that better eye-contact leader to more effective communication.

          Gestures too play a significant role in making the communication effective. Gestures mean expressive movement of head, hands etc. All oral communication are accompanied by gestures such as shrugging of the shoulders, flourish of the hands, movement of head etc. Without movement of hands, speaking appears somewhat stiff and mechanical. Normally during the interview or a conference employment and the speakers would naturally use few gestures. To say ‘bye bye’ we use our hands.

          Postures of sitting or walking are very important in effective communication. It conveys a wealth of meaning in an economical way. It is important part of body language and generally refers to the way one stands and walks. The position of hands and legs and other part of body reveal the personality of the person-where he is vibrant, alive and dynamic, nervous, confident and self-assured etc.. .Standing tall feet together is the first essential step of success in speech before a group while drooping of shoulder indicates discourage, tired and worn out.

          Clothing what we wear conveys something about us. It requires good taste and judgement to make a subtle impression by what you wear. The colour, the design, the cut and fit, combine to make up the dress, we wear accordingly the formality of occasion, the time of the day, the season, the cultural background. Many organizations have a dress code for occasions.

          Energy, as an aspect of body language is hard to describe but we have all experienced the impact of a person who has high lever energy. Whatever its source energy conveys completeness and inspires respect. State of physical and mental heath plays a large part in body language.

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