Monday, February 17, 2014

Write a detailed note on Two World War and their aftermath

Write a detailed note on Two World War and their aftermath
          The twentieth century is remarkable for the most violent and destructive world wars. These unprecedented catastrophes were brought out on the people of the world by the rivalry of the European Powers for ascendancy.  These wars have been greatly effected not only human being but also on an environment, society, politic, religion, and especially literature. Aftermaths of these are still in existence. Let’s discuss about it in detail.

World War-I
          The First World War was fought from August 1914 to November 1918. Thirty two countries were took part in the war. The factors responsible for the war as follows.

The factors responsible for the war:-

Patriotism and militarism
Patriotism and militarism were the foremost important factor to lead a war. After the passing of time patriotic feelings became violent and aggressive force. Many nations of Europe became selfish and they wanted to achieve its progress by any cost. Every nations were increased their military strength. Philosophers and literature also encouraged militarism.  

Imperialism is the second important factor to lead war. The system under which a politically, economically, and militarily devolved nation rule over another less developed country may be called ‘Imperialism. The colonialist and the imperialists dashed with one-another ancient of their late rivalries and enmities. Their rivalry and enmities brought the world to bring about a war.

Regional conflicts

          The boundaries of territorial distribution unjustly wrongly drawn out at the Viyena Congress in 1815 A.D. All of the nations dissatisfied against these boundaries and the regional conflicts disputed broken down the peace.

Alliances and treatises
          In 1882 Prince Bismarck, the P.M. of Germany formed with Austria, Hungary and Italy through a secret treaty. In 1894, Russia and England made a treaty of friendship with Japan. Now these secret treatises created an atmosphere of fear, suspicion and tension and led to the war. According to a great historian, “These alliances and treatises were a major cause of the first World War.”

Germany’s ambition
          Germany aspired to world domination. King Wilhelm Kaiser was extremely ambitious person.  German professors exalted war as the highest function. Her chance came in 1914 when Archduke Ferdinand was murdered. Russia came as a supporter to Serbia against Austria and this bought Germany on the scene and declared war on France. Germany’s ambition of world domination is responsible factor for war.

Its aftermaths
On November 11 1918 an armistice was signed and brought the war to an end. Its aftermaths are as under.
1.    A treaty was signed in 1919 at Versailles near Paris. The boundaries of all the nations were redefined.
2.    Autocracy in many countries of Europe came to an end and the republican government was established.
3.    Patriotic feeling became stronger and led to the rise of Fascism’ in Italy and ‘Nazicism’ in Germany.
4.    ‘The League of Nations’ was formed having a council of the five great powers.
5.    Japan secured its place as a world.
6.    The economy of majority of countries in Europe was ruined. Most of ruined economic crisis.  
7.    Inflation generated. Taxes were demanded from the people
8.    Starvation strikes and unemployment were wide-spread in the many countries of Europe.
9.    Men had dies in large number during the war. Women had to step forward to work in various fields and to shoulder the responsibilities in profession. 

World War II
          The Second World War was the bloodiest and the most destructive. The First World War was considered as heroic while the Second World War was considered ghostly. The Second World War was in embryonic stage in the womb of 1st war. Winston Churchill says, ‘The war was ‘blood, tears, toil, sweat’. We can see lost of moral and spiritual values and lost of obedience and order in modern society.  The war brings chaos in the world. A famous poet Yeats points out in ‘The Second Coming’.
Things fall apart, the centre can not hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world.”
          Second World War means total annihilation of innocent people. It was fought from September 1939 to August 14 1945. Let’s discuss about its factors which led to the war.

Militant Nationalism
          Like the First World War Militant Nationalism were the foremost causes of the Second World War.  The injustice done to Italy and Germany in the treaty of Versailles resulted in the Nazi party under leadership of Hitler and Fascist party in the leadership of Mussolini. Japan took up the slogan ‘Asia for Asians’ and showed the narrow feeling of nationalism.

 The rise of dictatorship
          The rise of dictatorship is the useful factor for the war. As the democratic government in Italy and Germany failed. It led to the rise of dictatorship who edited imperialistic politics. Dictators like Hitler and Mussolini felt war was necessary for reviving their lost glory and piled the stock ammunition. So this policy of Japan, Italy, and Germany led to the war.
The League of Nations

          The League of Nations was established to serve purpose but yet the fear of war was not decreased and the countries continued the trend of treatise.

The Treaty of Versailles
The Treaty of Versailles was very harsh and unjust for Germany. Germany was criticized for the First World War and her colonies and prosperous territories taken away from her. The heavy war fine of $ 660 crore was imposed on her. So Germany crushed out economically, politically and militarily. Thus the treaty of Versailles contained germs of another war.

Hitler’s imperialistic policy
Hitler’s imperialistic policy was the immediate cause of the Second World War. He believed that all these countries where Germany lived must be merged in the German empire. Hitler invaded France declared war against opposed Germany to protect Poland against Germany aggression. Thus this was began these Second World War

          In the Second World War two crore twenty lakhs peoples were killed. Billions of dollars are spent. Let’s light upon the result after the end of the Second World War.
1.    U.S. A. becomes the great power.
2.    Europe lost its status as the critical of World Civilization.
3.    Britain had also lost their power.
4.    United Nations Organization’ came in existence.
5.    Rise of nationalism in Asia and Africa.
6.    In terms of money it is cost more than 1$ trillion.
7.    Those countries who took part in the war ruined economically.
8.    Price-rise, Unemployment, starvation raised their ugly heads.
9.    The nations of the world were divided into two power Blocs: (a) The Eastern Bloc under Russia (b) The Western Blocs under America.
          To summing up, the two world wars were the darkest chapter in the history of mankind. The Worlds wars caused immense havoc in human life and property. The wars changed the mind and mentality of modern man especially youths. They brought new generation of angry young man. Because of the wars, modern men became frustrated. Boredom, weariness, fatigue also entered into human life man. Men lost the moral and spiritual values. All these aftermaths have been reflected in modern literature and life. Sasoon brings out the horror of war.
“The place was rotten with dead, green clumsy legs
High booted, sprawled and growled long the caps.”

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