Thursday, February 13, 2014

Critical Appreciation ‘Uncle Tom’s Cabin by Harriet Beacher Stow

         ‘Uncle Tom’s Cabin’ by Harriet Beacher Stow can be described the ‘missionary’ novel. It is a powerful attack on the evil of slavery in the 19th century American society. It is a very moving story which played an important part riding away slavery. President Lincoln was not far wrong in greeting Harriet Beacher with the words,

“So you’re the little woman
who made the book that
made the great war.”-President Lincoln.
ÿ         The novel is centre on evils of slavery .It presents a vivid picture of pitiable conditions of the slaves. Novelist has depicted the plight and miseries of the slaves. Now we critically appreciation on the novel. 

          Background: Mrs. Stowe wrote this novel in 1851. At that time independent America was divided into two sections. The Northern Federation of states did not all slavery while the southern federation insisted slavery for agriculture and trade. The writer Mrs. Harriet Beecher Stove had seen the miseries of such slaves. She was an earnest Christian. There was a great struggle to put an end to slavery. The writing of his novel was the part of this struggle. Stowe herself said,
“All the happenings of the
story were true incidents
arranged by her in the form
of continuous story.”  - Mrs. Harriet Stow.
          The title Uncle Tom’s Cabin is apt and as well as the meaning full. It suggests that the character of Uncle Tom is the central character of the novel as. It is his loyalty, his suffering, his unshaken faith in God, his victory over the evil forces reflected in the novel. Right from the beginning of the novel to end, his character appears and remains the centre of interest and suggests the suffering and cruelty faced by slaved in the Southern America.

          The main theme of novel is the evil of slavery. The novel is centre on the suffering and miserable condition of slaves. The novel described the condition of 19th century America, where slavery was officially allowed.  The condition of slaves was pitiable. They were treated ruthlessly by their master. They had no rights, they could not own property, not legally marry and no courts protected them. The novel is a realistic picture of the life of slaves which is full of suffering and nothing else. In connection of the intensity of their troubles, Cassy narrates to Tom,
“There’s nothing here
but evil and long, long

          Uncle Tom is the hero of the novel. He is a martyr of unjust system of slavery. In the end of the novel, oppression of Legree intensifies Tom’s spiritual quality. Tom’s faith in Jesus Christ lightens his misery, makes his heart bleed at the pain and hopelessness of other slaves at the plantation. It is for their sake that Tom resolves to make the supreme self-sacrifice. There is beauty of Tom’s death. It is glory of death shows victory of truth and love over evil. In this way, his character is radiated with self respect and dignity as he says to Legree,
“My soul ain’t yours, Mas’r”.

          Religion is an important theme in ‘Uncle Tom’s Cabin’. Religion means unshakeable faith in the fatherhood of God and love for mankind. Religion expresses itself in inner strength, goodness and self sacrifice of Tom. Love, gentleness, charity, peace of mid, absence of hatred even for one’s tormentors and surrender to Lord’s will are the virtues that all great religions of the world teach us. Tom’s words reveals the religious virtues as, he says to George,
“I love every creature oh!
Mas’r George, what a thing
 it is to be a Christian! Who
shall separate us from the
love of Christ.”
          The plot of the novel is well built and very simple arranged. The novel has double plot. (1) Tom’s story (2) Eliza’ Story. Till the centre part of the novel these stories run parallel. But after the story of Uncle Tom continued till the end of Tom the started again Eliza’s story. So the two like two wings of a bird together and give power and beauty to the novel. It is interesting to note that the story processed arouse three geographical play-Kentucky in the beginning, New Orleans in the middle and Legree’s plantation in Deep South in the end.  

          The artistic feeling of horror and pathos are related, the first shocks and revolts the reader and second brings fears of pity in his eyes. The sight of Old women at Legree’s farm is very pathos. Tom’s dying words also creates horror and pathos. Rumours about ghost at Legree’s plantation also arouse the horror. The theme of the novel allows much play of these emotions. The author has taken great care to restrain the emotion of pathos after Uncle Tom has resolved to make the supreme sacrifice. The feeling is heightened and it is elation rather than pathos of hour.

          ++ The novel is rich in characterization. It is full of men and women who are kind and cruel, Black and White, large hearted and selfish, sentimental and cruel, courageous and cowardly. Tom, Eliza, and Legree are the dominant characters while the characters like George Harris, Harry, Mr. and Mrs. Shelby, Haley, St. Clare, Miss Ophelia, Emmeline are of a middle size. Eliza and her husband have matching personality. St. Clare and his wife are the opposite of earth other. And so are Eva and Topsy, Tom and Legree

          The style of the novel is very simple. The writer who is very simple and intelligent lady wrote this novel in very simple language because common people easily understand. Overall the impression of the story is attractive. The whole story written in prose style.

          The novel has the permanence of appeal. Slavery has long been abolished in the US, still, the appeal of the novel remains. There are many basic human emotions in the novel - which depicts so powerfully are permanent and universal elemental of man’s destiny on earth. e.g. mother’s love for her child, courage to resist oppression, the agony of the mute and the helpless

          Uncle Tom’s Cabin’ is still a very moving story and an example of the power of pen to influence the course of history. It is packed with action and suspense, scenes of the horror and pathos and there is lot of drama in it. It has a well-built plot and simple style. It exposes the exploitation of slaves by their master in an inhuman way. The novel creates powerful impression of slavery as the curse on mankind as Mrs. Shelby said,
 “This is God’s curse on
Slavery. It is a wicked and
cruel thing…a curse to the
master and a curse to the
slave. It is sin to hold slaves.”
ÿ      In a short, it is popular and will be remember forever in the history of American literature.

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