Thursday, February 13, 2014

Give a detailed character analysis of Uncle Tom in ‘Uncle Tom’s Cabin’ by Harriet Beacher Stow

‘Uncle Tom’s Cabin’ by Harriet Beacher Stow can be described the ‘missionary’ novel. It is a powerful attack on the evil of slavery in the 19th century American society and played an important part riding away slavery. It is still a very moving story and an example of the power of pen to influence the course of history. President Lincoln says in greeting Harriet Beacher.   

“So you’re the little woman
who made the book that
made the great war.”
          Of all character of this novel, the character of Uncle Tom is perhaps vital character who is cast in the image of saint and martyr. It is his suffering, his loyalty, his nobility and Christianity reflects in the novel. Let’s discuss his character in the light of the novel.
Central character
          The character of Uncle Tom can be considered as the central character of the novel as the title suggest. It is his loyalty, his suffering, his unshaken faith in God, his victory over the evil forces; all these elements constitute the real charm of the novel. Right from the beginning of the novel, his character appears and remains the centre of interest till the end of the novel. Undoubtly Uncle Tom’s character is the central character of the novel.

An obedient and honest Negro slave
          Tom is an obedient and honest Negro slave of Mr. Shelby. Just in the beginning of the novel, his master Mr. Shelby reveals his honesty,
“Tom is certainly worth all
money. I owe you. He is
steady and honest, a first
class worker and sincerely
religious fellow.”  
          These words show us that he is so sincere good and virtuous that his master has to appreciate him. He is lovingly called ‘Uncle Tom’ by every one on Shelby’s estate. He is respected because he is pious at heart. All the people around him love him for his kindness, commonsense, dignity and humanity.

His passivity and fatalism
          Passivity and fatalism is an important part of Tom’s essential nature. It seems the parallel story of Eliza and George is designed to bring Tom’s passivity in bold relief. It is his passivity that prepares him as instrument of divine will. Thus he has dedicated his total existence to Jesus Christ and so it is his unshakeable belief that his will alone shall prevail through his though and actions. That is how, like Jesus Christ, Tom’s life slowly moves toward self-sacrifice. In this ways, Tom is a devout and a man with great sense of passivity.   

A faithful
          Tom is the most faithful and loyal of all the slaves of Shelby. He remains faithful when even he is sold to those slave traders. When Eliza informs Tom that he and little Harry have been sold by the master, he becomes astonished. Eliza already prepares to runaway and also suggests that Tom should also run away but Tom doesn’t agree at all and says,
“No, I’m not going. Let Eliza
go. It’s right for her. But if
master sells me the other
can be saved I will bear it.”
          Tom also remains faithful to his new masters St. Clare and Legree.

A Pure Christian. 
          Tom is a pure Christian.  Tom has deep faith in God and Christianity. He is always conscious that he is a true Christian. He is very sensitive and keenly aware of what is right and what is not. He always keeps ‘Bible’ with him. Even in miserable condition he never loses his faith and feels Jesus is with him. He prefers to die than to move from Christianity. His dying words reveal his love for Christianity obviously.
“I love every creature oh!
Mas’r George, what a thing
 it is to be a Christian! Who
shall separate us from the love of Christ.”

Tom’s determination
Tom’s determination is very strong.  He is a man who can be killed but not changed. Legree’s physical torture doesn’t move Tom where Tom is asked to beat the poor lady whom he has helped. He politely refused to do so. Though Tom speaks so quietly, it is clear that he can not be shaken. He says,
I think so, master; the poor
woman is sick and ill; Mas’r,
you can kill me if you like,
but I won’t beat anyone and
never shall. I’ll die first.”
          Legree beats Tom a lot; but Legree’s physical torments do not have any effect on Tom’s inner strength. Even in physical agony he experience ecstasy of a noble soul. He firmly declares his intentions that he can’t do a cruel thing. The character of Tom is marked with a great Strength of mind.

Very tender hearted and helpful to others.
          As a true Christian Tom is very tender hearted and helpful to others. He is even gentle to his cruel master Legree. Due to his helpful nature, Tom was famous not only ‘Kentucky’, but also in surrounding areas. His gentle and helpful nature also wins the heart of his fellow slaves.
          When Tom is working under Legree, he helps on Negro woman without caring the punishment imposed by Legree He even helps Cassy to run away from Legree’s house. He is tortured too much to find Cassy’s whereabouts. Even in his resistance against Legree, he remains gentle and prays to God,         
+“Father (Christ) forgive them
for they know not what they do.”

A martyr
          The character of Tom is a martyr of unjust system of slavery. In the end of the novel, oppression of Legree intensifies Tom’s spiritual quality. Instead of breaking his will, Legree actually strengthens it. Tom’s faith in Jesus Christ lightens his misery, makes his heart bleed at the pain and hopelessness of other slaves at the plantation.
          It is for slaves’s sake that Tom resolves to make the supreme self-sacrifice. There is beauty of Tom’s death. It is a martyr’s death and that is Tom’s victory. It is glory of death that transforms the end of the novel from a painful end of a miserable slave to a saga of inner courage and victory to truth and love over evil.

          To summing up, the character of Uncle Tom can be described as immortal character of the novel. He is considered to be one of the finest characters in American fiction. As religious man he has inner strength and great spirituality, which influences greatly during his life time and even after his death. He has power of simple goodness in the midst of so much evil. Glory of God is seen in his unselfish life. His character is radiated with self respect and dignity as he says to Legree,
“My soul ain’t yours, Mas’r”.
          In a short Tom is a wonderful creation and the novel gives its power and beauty through this wonderful character. One rarely comes across such authentic and unforgettable character.

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