Thursday, February 13, 2014

Leave Report Writting :Leave Report-2

You want leave for three weeks as you are planning to go on tour. Draft an application asking for leave to your head. 
Vaghela Aarati,
Near S. V. M. School,
2nd March 2008
The Manager,
Zandu Pharmacy,
          Sub: Leave for three works.
Respected Sir,
ÿ      I am Hingu Sukhadev your employee working in the accounted section. I humbly request you to grant me leave for 15th days as I with my family have planned to go on tour to south India organized by Lucky Travells Company.  I have secured conformed rail-way reservation tickets to and fro. All is set except your approval (consent). Mr. Yogesh Pandya has agreed to assist in the work in my routine work of as soon as I will return; I will complete my pending work within a week. I will also work after office hour, if require. I hope to get our favour and permit me to go on the proposed tour by granting me leave for above state period. Sorry for trouble.
ÿ      Thanking you.
Yours Obediently

Hingu Sukhadev
(Roll No. 03, T.Y.B.A.)

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