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Friday, February 28, 2014
Tuesday, February 25, 2014
સરળ અંગ્રેજી વ્યાકરણ
અંગ્રેજી વ્યાકરણ
- ARTICLE - આર્ટિકલ -
- Noun - નાઉન - ભાવવાચક સંગ્ના
- Preposition - નામયોગી અવયવ
- Change the Degree - તુલના બદલો
- Conjunction (સંયોજકો)
- MODAL AUXILIARIES (સહાયકારક ક્રિયાપદ)
- Punctuation Marks(વિરામચિહ્નો)
- કાળની સામાન્ય માહીતી
- શોર્ટ એંડ સ્વીટ કાળનો કોઠો
- સાદો વર્તમાનકાળ ( Simple Present Tense )
- ચાલુ વર્તમાનકાળ ( Continuous Present Tense )
- પૂર્ણ વર્તમાનકાળ ( Perfect Present Tense )
- સાદો ભૂતકાળ ( Simple Past Tense )
- ચાલુ ભૂતકાળ ( Continuous Past Tense )
- પૂર્ણ ભૂતકાળ – Perfect Past Tense
- સાદો ભવિષ્યકાળ ( Simple Future Tense )
- ચાલુ ભવિષ્યકાળ ( Continuous Future Tense )
- પૂર્ણ ભવિષ્યકાળ ( Perfect Future Tense )
- ચાલુ પૂર્ણ વર્તમાનકાળ ( Continuous Perfect Present Tense )
- ચાલુ પૂર્ણ ભૂતકાળ ( Continuous Perfect Past Tense )
- ચાલુ પૂર્ણ ભવિષ્યકાળ ( Continuous Perfect Future Tense )
- Chang the Voice - વાક્ય પ્રયોગ
Wednesday, February 19, 2014
Character of Omar Khayyam Shakil - Shame- Rushdie.
Narrative Technique in ‘Shame’ Or Non-fiction novel Or Anti-novel.
Narrative Technique in ‘Shame’ Or
Non-fiction novel Or Anti-novel
“Shame”, Rushdie heralds a novel technique in the field of Indo-Anglican
fiction. He makes experiments with narrative techniques and usage of the
English language. He shows a new direction in the art of narration. In this
connection William Walsh remarks “Combining the elements of magic and fantasy,
the grimmest realism, extravagant farce, multi mirrored analogy and a symbolic
structure. Salman Rushdie has captured the astonishing energy of the novel unprecedented
in scope, manner and achievement in the hundred and fit years old tradition of
the Indian novels in English.
Character of Sufiya Zinobia - “Shame i
Character of Sufiya Zinobia
is more compact than other novels of Rushdie. It is a three dimensional novel-
political, social and cultural. It is a story of the rise and fall of three
families, three sisters and three queens- Biquis, Sufiya and Naveed. The tree
sisters are Chummy, Munee and Bunny. The three countries are Pakistan,
Bangladesh and India.The Title ‘Shame’
The Title ‘Shame’
Thematic and Suggestive Title:-
(Shame) is the keynote of the theme of this novel. This word applies to the
characters, the actions and the conflicts throughout the novel. But he
questions that arise are, Whose Shame? How does it affect the action of the
novel> and Who are affected by this vice? As the story moves on we find that
the hero, Omar Khayyam Shakil is haunted by Shame and Shamelessness.
Shame (1983) As Fantasy/ Historical Extravaganza/ As a satire/ Political novel
As Fantasy/ Historical Extravaganza/ As a satire/ Political novel
Q- 1 Do you consider shame is and is not about Pakistan OR. 2. In shame Rushdie uses fantasy to comment on Indian and Pakistan political history” – comment OR Rushdie in ‘SHAME’ slips into “ nonsense” but only to achieve his political exposure in an effective way concerning Pakistan “ Discuss OR do you do consider “shame as a political and historical novel about Pakistan ? Comment OR. comment on the political, cultural and social dimensions of “shame”.
Monday, February 17, 2014
B.A. M.A. English Literature Study material
B.A. M.A.
English Literature
Study Guide
B.A. M.A. English Literature Study material Study
Guide Question Bank (All in One)
Visit offical Blog
The posting on this blog has been stopped.
The new and fresh post is available in following website.
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Describe the origin of language. Or What are the chief theories of language?
“The origin of Language”
Q: 1 Describe the origin
of language.
Q: 1 What are the chief theories of language?
Sunday, February 16, 2014
Saturday, February 15, 2014
Critically evaluate Gobar, the character from the "Godan"
is considered as the best novel of Prem Chand. The main theme of the novel is
the exploitation of the peasants and their inability to pay their debts. Here
different characters represent different walks of life. He presents characters
with rural and urban background. Through the rural characters, he presents the
Indian peasants of the pre-independence period with their problems of poverty,
starvation, poor healthy, misery, humiliation and death. In the matter of characterization,
Prem Chand is a progressive writer. In his treatment of rural characters and
rural life and not only presents the bitter realities of life, but he also
exhibits his progressive attitude. He neither idealizes his characters nor
romanticizes them. He simple presents them as they are.
A rebellious character:-
son Gobar is a rebellious character who refuses to bow before injustice and
exploitation. He is capable of leading people against any oppression. He does
not like a slow space of village life. He is just the anti-thesis of Hori’s
personality. He has been exposed to the trends in changing environment who
believes in life of challenged and initiative. Hence Gobar has been drawn a
powerful character quite in opposition to his fathers traits. His is the
character that links the two stories plot and sub pot of the rural characters
and the urban society.
His outlook:-
Gobar is tall and lean with black
complexion, a young man who has no interest in his father’s fruitless labour
and hard working without any reward or gain. In place of satisfaction and
calmness he is always seen dissatisfied and so revolts against all the wrong
doe not his family. He doesn’t worry about food but family tradition and
slavery of his father to the rich land owners and money-lenders. Contrasting
his father Gobar presents the modern trend and changes in life. He is in favour
of a radical change in society and he appears as the representative of change
and modern values. Gobar has a rebellious spirit. It prevents him in flowing
blindly the old tradition, custom and beliefs in religion and social culture
which takes way the innocent life in the name of culture and family tradition.
Thus Gobar goes to react against all the exploitation done to him or against his
family members. For Hori and Dhania, he is the only a hope of ray to survive in
life. Gobar carries not traits of virtues his parents, yet he has some dynamism
inherited from his mother Dhania.
His pride, self respect and religious nature:-
has been watching the endless blames and suffering since his childhood day. As
a result he has becomes a little bit proud. His youthful spirit and proud lead
him to behave a man of pride and self respect. He has therefore certain
prejudice for the rich money lenders and Rai Sahibs. He severely and bitterly
criticizes his father’s service and salutes and over respects to Rai Sahibs. He
doesn’t life his fathers’ manual service to be rich. Gobar’s spirit can get
satisfaction only when he insults the landlords the aristocrats and money
lenders of his village. He experiences the tyranny and oppression shown to his
family creates a spirit of revolt in him. It makes him conscious of his rights.
He shows his anger and discontent contempt for the age old social barriers, and
conservative, and casteism, class-difference and unequally distribution of
wealth against the whole society that off him and his family nothing but struggle for such thinking, he
becomes a rebel.
His love for Jhunia:-
Gobar is a sensitive man, a young man
with a sense of revolt against exploitation and the system to which they
belong. Gobar brings home a cow and it is a time of festivity for the family.
This dynamic youth falls in love with Jhunia the daughter of Bhola, a money –
lender. Gobar thoughtlessly loves her. His mother Dhania comes to know about
Jhuniya’s pregnancy they are worried as a result; his house is also clotted by
the whole village community. Jhunia’s
father and brother are in search of Gobar and but he out of the village. The panchayat
decides to impose a fine on Hori. Hori has to pay the find otherwise he has to
face of being neglected matrimonially, economically as well as socially. Poor
Hori because of his son Gobar’s wrong deed which can be called “love”, has to
pay the penalty in chase. A son is born to Jhunia and both and Hori and Dhania
accept the son and mother with joy. Gobar leaves the village for Lucknow to get
some work and dreams about the future.
His life in Lucknow
Gobar reaches Amindbad market in Lucknow, he offered joy along with other
workers. He works for Mirza Khurshid and learnt the ways of the Urban world. He
starts lending money to other workers on interest and opens a small-shop. Now
even Mirza borrows money form him Gobar decides to bring his wife Jhunia along
with him as he is fed up with a lonely life in a big city. For the same, he
returns to his native village.
Gobar a changed transformed land
arrives from the town with many gifts. The family is overjoyed and Hori feels
proud of his son Gobar. In the village Gobar is transformed. Gobar wearing new
clothes and pump shoes. The news spreads in the village and the village lads
are fascinated to see him. His parents extremely are happy. When Gobar come, to
know about the injustice done to his father, he threatens the village headman
of dire consequences. Gobar lures the young lads of the glamour of city and
life and promise them good jobs in Lucknow. The
boys accept him as their ideal and he offers them a lavish party at
home. He as a voice of young Indian spirit advices his father to come out of
the world hollow ideas and to lead a lfe on the plance of reality. When he
finds his father steeped in blind beliefs, he decide to resutn to Lucknow as he
does not want to ruin his life in a village.
Gobar’s Weakness:-
has some weakness in his character. He is rough and rash. He loses his temper
very quickly and never thinks about the consequences. Tough he loves Jhunia yet
he can not master enough courage to marry her. After his parents accept her as
their daughter in law, he takes her to the city with him. After collapses of
his business in Lucknow, he starts taking liquor and now often beats Jhunia. He
is form in conflict between herd and heart. As an individual., Gobar has the
capacity to struggle but his weakness make his life more miserable. His two
sons die and he is helpless. Yet when none compares Gobar with the male
character in the village, he emerges as the most enterprising young man with a
great exposure to modern values of life. Like his mother he is a rebel but in a
different way. Though he has a brief role to play, yet he remains one of the
important character in the novels.
Gobar a voice of new generation:-
has been drawn as a practical man who doesn’t think about the world or his
surroundings. He knows that man’s’ suffering in the present time are not due to
his bad luck but due to the system and its agencies. He has an argumentative
temperament. This attitude is not the product of any training or philosophy but
it is very much the produce off the ethos and environment. He out argues his
tradition living father. In the worlds of a critic Dr. Trilok Nathkhanna, “Gobar
is the voice of new generation which gives a jerk rather want to shatter the
assumption and thinking of Indian peasantry
Write a detailed note themes and central issuses in Premchand
is the greatest Indian writer who has intimately studied the life of the
peasant and portrayed with such powerful imaginative art that it stands supreme
in the history of Hindi fiction.”
Thursday, February 13, 2014
Write a detailed note on Non-verbal Communication
are two kinds of communication. (1) Verbal Communication and (2) Non-verbal
communication. Communication through words is called verbal communication.
Communication through other symbols is called non-verbal.
Write a detailed note on Barriers to communication
is not always successful. Several things can prevent the message from reaching
the intended recipient or from having the desired effect on the recipient.
Leave Report Writting : Leave Report - 4
Demand for four months pregnancy leave.
Aarati B. Vaghela
Near, Bapa Sitaram
March 2008
The Principal,
M. K. Jamod High School,
Sub: Leave for 4 months pregnancy leave.
Respected Sir,
am Aarati B. Vaghela, working a teacher in your school. I humbly request you to
grant me leave for 4th month as I have been through pregnancy period
and the doctor has advised me to take complete rest.
This year I haven’t use any leave, and I finish my work and
finish the syllables of student. So there is no tension about students future.
I request you to consider this months as my pregnancy leave. As soon as I will
return, I will join my duty regularly.
take attention in my problem. This time is very crucial for me. And my health
is also bad. I hope you pass my leave and give me four months leave. Respond me
to as early as possible.
Yours faithfully
Komal H. Patel
Leave Report Writting :Leave Report-2
You want leave for three weeks as you are planning to
go on tour. Draft an application asking for leave to your head.
Vaghela Aarati,
Near S. V. M.
March 2008
The Manager,
Zandu Pharmacy,
Sub: Leave for three works.
Respected Sir,
ÿ I am
Hingu Sukhadev your employee working in the accounted section. I humbly request
you to grant me leave for 15th days as I with my family have planned
to go on tour to south India organized by Lucky Travells Company. I have secured conformed rail-way reservation
tickets to and fro. All is set except your approval (consent). Mr. Yogesh
Pandya has agreed to assist in the work in my routine work of as soon as I will
return; I will complete my pending work within a week. I will also work after
office hour, if require. I hope to get our favour and permit me to go on the
proposed tour by granting me leave for above state period. Sorry for trouble.
ÿ Thanking

Hingu Sukhadev
(Roll No. 03,
Write a detailed note on 'Nature' written by Ralph Waldo Emerson
Ralph Waldo Emerson was one of the most important figures in the history of American
literature. He lived through the age known as the ‘Flowering of America’. He
had the distinction of being the ‘Man thinking
of the New England Renaissance’. He published his essays in two
different series: First and Second Series published in 1814 and 1844. Each
of Emerson’s essays has a sense of rising intensity in both meaning and
Write a short note : Clare ‘Uncle Tom’s Cabin’ by Harriet Beacher Stow
St. Clare, Eva’s father is a major character in the novel ‘Uncle
Tom’s Cabin’ by Harriet Beacher
Stawe. He is Uncle Tom’s second master. This rich Southerner comes out
as loving and caring father who loves his daughter more than anything else in
the world. When Eva says she wants to buy Tom and take him home with her, St.
Clare, even before they have reached New Orleans buys him from Haley.
Write a short note: Eva : Uncle Tom’s Cabin’ by Harriet Beacher Stow
St Clare is a lovely and a tender child in Mrs. Harriet Beacher Staw’s ‘Uncle
Tom’s Cabin’. She is a quite sweet, generous that everyone who sees her loves
her a lot. When Tom sees her first time on the boat, she is always dressed in
white and runs about the boat like a little sunbeam. Tom watches her for
several days and then begins to meet friends with her. Now discuss this lovely
and loveable character.
Write a short note: Cassy : ‘Uncle Tom’s Cabin’ by Harriet Beacher Stow
is very interesting and exciting character in the novel ‘Uncle Tom’s
Cabin’. She is a half-blood house slave at Legree’s farmhouse. His
resolution, love of freedom, courage, goodness, imagination and alertness mark
out his extraordinary personality. Let’s discuss his character in the light of
the novel.
Write a short note: Eliza: ‘Uncle Tom’s Cabin’ by Harriet Beacher Stow
is a major character in the novel ‘Uncle Tom’s Cabin’. She is a half-blood slave at Mr. Shelby’s
estate. Eliza proves herself a brave mother who is ready to do
everything for the sake of her son. Her resolution, love of freedom, courage,
goodness, imagination and alertness mark out his extraordinary personality. Now
we discuss her character in the light of the novel.
Give a detailed character analysis Simon Legree in “Uncle Tom’s Cabin’ by Harriet Beacher Stowe.
Simon Legree is a villain in “Uncle Tom’s Cabin’ by Harriet Beacher Stowe. He is Tom’s third master and his murderer. He buys Tom to work on his plantation on the Red River in South. His plantation shows that he is a picture of misconduct and decay. The main thing about Simon Legree is that he is a hard hearted tyrant. He never softens. Cassy considers him ‘devil’ Now we discuss his character in a depth.
Critical Appreciation ‘Uncle Tom’s Cabin by Harriet Beacher Stow
‘Uncle Tom’s Cabin’ by Harriet
Beacher Stow can be described the
‘missionary’ novel. It is a powerful attack on the evil of slavery in the 19th
century American society. It is a very moving story which played an important
part riding away slavery. President Lincoln was not far wrong in greeting
Harriet Beacher with the words,
Give a detailed character analysis of Uncle Tom in ‘Uncle Tom’s Cabin’ by Harriet Beacher Stow
‘Uncle Tom’s Cabin’ by Harriet Beacher Stow can be described the ‘missionary’ novel. It is a
powerful attack on the evil of slavery in the 19th century American
society and played an important part riding away slavery. It is still a very
moving story and an example of the power of pen to influence the course of
history. President Lincoln says in greeting Harriet Beacher.
Evaluate the theme of slavery in “Uncle Tom’s Cabin”. by Harriet Beacher Stow
‘Uncle Tom’s Cabin’ by Harriet Beacher Stow can be described the ‘missionary’ novel. It is a
powerful attack on the evil of slavery in the 19th century American
society. It is a very moving story which played an important part riding away
slavery. President Lincoln was not far wrong in greeting Harriet Beacher with
the words,
Critical Appreciate of the poem "Bring me Sunset in a Cup" written by Emily Dickinson
Emily Dickinson-a great American female poet represented
the farthest point in the 19th century American Poetry. American
poetry in regard to the adventures of the spirit is beautifully reflected in
her poetry. She had the distinction of being a pioneer of 19th
century American Poetry. She was an anticipator of metaphysical poetry, a
smeller of modernity and a defender of romanticism. Conard Alken
described her as,
Critical Appreciate of the poem “I taste a Liquor Never Brewed” written by Emily Dickinson
Emily Dickinson-a great American female poet represented
the farthest point in the 19th century American Poetry. American
poetry in regard to the adventures of the spirit is beautifully reflected in
her poetry. She had the distinction of being a pioneer of 19th
century American Poetry. She was an anticipator of metaphysical poetry, a
smeller of modernity and a defender of romanticism. Conard Alken described
her as,
Critical Appreciate of the poem " I am Nobody! Who are you?" written by Emily Dickinson
Dickinson-a great American female poet
represented the farthest point in the 19th century American Poetry.
American poetry in regard to the adventures of the spirit is beautifully
reflected in her poetry. She had the distinction of being a pioneer of 19th
century American Poetry. She was an anticipator of metaphysical poetry, a
smeller of modernity and a defender of romanticism. Conard Alken
described her as,
Critically appreciate Because I Could not Stop for Death by Emily Dickinson
Emily Dickinson-a great American female poet represented the farthest
point in the 19th century American Poetry. American poetry in regard
to the adventures of the spirit is beautifully reflected in her poetry. She had
the distinction of being a pioneer of 19th century American Poetry.
She was an anticipator of metaphysical poetry, a smeller of modernity and a
defender of romanticism. Conard Alken described her as,
Appreciate “Success is counted sweetest” as a definition poem of Emily Dickinson
Emily Dickinson-a great American female poet represented the farthest
point in the 19th century American Poetry. American poetry in regard
to the adventures of the spirit is beautifully reflected in her poetry. She had
the distinction of being a pioneer of 19th century American Poetry.
She was an anticipator of metaphysical poetry, a smeller of modernity and a defender
of romanticism. Conard Alken described her as,
Wednesday, February 12, 2014
Prepare a report on the increasing pollution in the city and suggest some ways to check it.
Prepare a report on the increasing pollution in the city and suggest some ways to check it
Report No. 46
Report on
Pollution at Bhavnagar
Submitted by
Mr. S. N. Hingu,
Officer of P C
Submitted to
The chairmen, Pollution Control Board
March 24, 2008
Report on pollution at Bhavnagar
and the steps to be taken.
letter of our office no PCB/P01/146/05 dated March 24, 2008, I was given the
charge to survey the pollution level and to commend steps. Accordingly I have
been to Bhavnagar. My finding is show below.
is a very fast devolving city largely populated nearly 20 lakhs of people. Now
a day in the last 20 years it has speeded up for trade, commerce,
transportation & industry. There are many tall buildings, hotels,
industries in it. There are many picnic points, historical place, mills, big
bazaar, schools, and colleges in it. Unfortunately day by day in every way,
pollution in the city increased because of population, transportation and
industrialization. Here is my observation of the pollution level and to commend
Air pollution:- Surprisingly
air pollution has increased in the city. The rise of industries is one reason.
A factory located near by residential areas in the north of Bhavnagar is a main
object. GIDC area has many chemical and re-rolling plants. In compassion to
last five year the traffic has increased. In the evening from five to seven
some of the roads are very crowded. This is also a raising problem. The air is
not fresh and Dioxide and Monoxide are near to threat level. Certainly it would
be risky in time to come.
Noise Pollution:- Noise
pollution is main problem of city. Noise pollution is being in vertical ways.
First reason of noise pollution is vehicles and its horn. At this time vertical
horns are main attraction in youth to impress others and noise population. Second
is mobile, this time is fast time and so that each person has a mobile and by
this Mobile’s ring tones are second reason. Third one is done by factory’s
machines and fourth reason is music system. There are many music lovers and
they arranged parties till midnight. Fifth reason over crowd and big markers
are also places of noise pollution.
Water Pollution:-The reasons of water
pollution are different. The mills and factories release their chemical waste
into the lakes, rivers and seas and pollute the water. Factory’s dirty and
chemicalized water is added in drinking water. Second reason is over bridge is
built up over the oceans. Often gutter-water mixes with drinking water
pipelines. Such water gives out foul smell and if used in irrigation, spoils
the crops and destroys the fertility of the soil. In this way, the natural resources
of pure drinking water are polluted.
Land Pollution:- Land Pollution is
slowly increasing as industrialization has grown up. Waste water with dangerous
chemicals from many units is spoiling the land. It’s spreading into nearby
areas. More and more units are taking away the fertile land. Agricultural land
is decreasing.
Impacts of Pollution:- Pollution has impacted in each and every aspects of
the city. Pollution has damaged the air of the city, water of city. Due to
polluted air and water, people faced ill health and some minor and major
disease. Over traffic has also created noise pollution and big industries has
created air, water and noise pollution equally.
The rules must be followed strictly as laid down by
the Supreme Court.
units which are spreading pollution must be asked to maintain and follow the
Gujarati Govt. Environment policy and acts. Those who do not follow policy,
their plants must be sealed.
should not be established in city area. It must be developed in sepret
industrial Zone , having proper facilities of decline of chemicals and other
waste materials.
People should prefer C.N.G. Fuel for their vehicles
to control air pollution.
Do not use air horn and loud speakers in a city
Municipality has to supply pure and purified
drinking water.
control pollution is an individual responsibility. So one must be careful from
personal view point.
Thanks you very
much for giving me this kind of work.
Truly Yours,
S.N. Hingu
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